Role of music in human life

Role of music in human life

Music is the most important creation of humanity throughout history. It is pure creativity in its purest form. Music is an integral part of our everyday lives. Music is a way to express our emotions and feelings. Music can be used to escape from the stresses of daily life. Music can help us relax and even bring us joy in moments of happiness. It also enriches our minds and increases self-confidence.

Music is everywhere in our lives at all times, from the radio to our cars and homes, to our daily lives. Different music is appropriate for different occasions. It can be found in the mellow tunes of a classical concert, in the devotional songs of a wedding band, or even the reaper in a field singing to celebrate the joys and challenges of life. Even a little bit of singing in the toilet can give us a positive start to our day. Music can have a powerful therapeutic effect on the human mind. Music has been associated with certain emotions since the beginning, and these emotions have given rise to great music.

Indian music’s origins can be traced back nearly 4,000 years ago to the Sama Veda chanting. Early in the history Indian music, the primacy of the voice and the association between musical sound and prayer were established. Music is now available in many forms. The choice of music can vary from person to person, just like the choices for reading. There are many types of music: folk music, classical music and devotional music.

Music is now known as ‘HEALING WITHOUT MEDICINE’. Music therapy is believed to be helping doctors treat many patients with dementia, depression, and trauma. Many children with learning disabilities and poor coordination have been able learn and respond to music. Music has been a way for many people with genetic disabilities to find a new light.

Ashish Khokar, a dance critic, cites an experiment to prove it: “Music is made from sound, and sound can affect our sense perception in many different ways.” Fish in aquariums were once taught to listen to different types of music. It was discovered that their movements corresponded to the music’s beat. Remember that fish don’t hear. They only feel the vibrations through the water. You can see how music and sound could have a profound impact on the human brain.

Anand Avinash is the founder of Neuro Linguistic Consciousness Workshop. He has studied music therapy and says that “the mystics, saints and ancient mystics have demonstrated how music can stimulate the higher centers of our minds and improve quality of life.” Repeating monotonous mantras or chants in the West helps the mind achieve balance. Combining the sounds of Sanskrit mantras produces positive vibrations that elevate the mind to higher levels of consciousness.

Terri Steward

One thought on “Role of music in human life

  1. When I feel sad or happy I listen my favorite music. Music provides parameters that can be used to frame experiences, perceptions, feelings, and comportments. Music is a way to escape of life, which gives us relief in pain and helps us to reduce the stress of the daily routine.

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